Gaseous hydrogen may be supplied in tube trailers and cylinders. Hydrogen is usually compressed into gas cylinders by oil-lubricated compressors. LPG is also supplied by road tanker to 162 bulk storage installations providing centralised piped gas supplies. 可以用管道拖车和钢瓶来供应气态氢。通常用油润滑的压缩机把氢压缩进气体钢瓶。至于以中央管道系统输气的162个大型储存装置,则由缸车供应石油气。
Gaseous oxygen is shipped and stored in high-pressure cylinders, tubes, or tube trailers depending on the quantity required by the user. 根据用户要求的量,使用高压钢瓶、管道或管道拖车来运输和储存气态氧。
A colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts. 无色无味的气体,在真空管中能发出红光,六种惰性气体之一,在空气中含量较少。
This gaseous hydrogen is then compressed, cooled to sufficiently low cryogenic temperatures by the use of heat exchangers, reciprocating and tube expanders to form liquid hydrogen. 接着采用热交换器、往复式或管道式膨胀器把气态氢压缩和冷却到充分低的温度。
Color changing nonel tube, nitrogen, oxygen and vacuum system were used to study influence of gaseous medium inside nonel tube on its detonation propagation reliability. 利用变色塑料导爆管、氮气、氧气和真空系统对管腔内介质影响导爆管传爆可靠性做了研究。
The development of gaseous detonation driving techniques for a shock tube 激波管氢氧爆轰驱动技术的发展进程
It is verified that the leading shock waves, tunnel effect and enough energy to support the wave front are necessary condition for the detonation propagation of nonel tube, whereas gaseous medium inside nonel tube is not. 进一步证实导爆管传爆的必要条件是超前冲击波、管道效应以及支持爆轰波波阵面继续传播的足够能量,而导爆管内腔气体介质不是导爆管传爆的必要条件。
Measurement and Analysis of Gaseous Parameters for Gas-Dynamic Resonance Tube Heating Process 气动谐振管加热过程气体参数的测量与分析
In this paper, experimental study about several fundamental properties of Ar~+ Lasers with glass envelopes and disk bore discharge tubes is reported, including gaseous effect in the laser tube, laser power output, etc. Brief qualitative explanations are also given for the experimental results. 本文对玻壳、膜孔组放电管氩离子激光器的某些主要特性(如管内气体效应、激光输出功率等)进行了初步的实验研究,并对实验结果作了简要的定性分析。
The gaseous detonation of 2H2/ O2/ Ar mixture propagation through a T-shape bifurcated tube with a square cross-section 40mm × 40mm has been experimentally studied in this paper. 对2H2/O2/Ar系统爆轰波在T形管(截面为40mm×40mm)中传播现象进行了实验研究。
Fluorescence measurement is based on the reduction of arsenic by potassium borohydride and introduction of its gaseous hydride into the electrically heated silica tube. 荧光测量是建立在用硼氢化钾还原砷,并将砷的气体氢化物导入电加热石英管中原子化的基础上。
The Influence of Gaseous Medium Inside Nonel Tube on its Detonation Propagation Reliability 塑料导爆管内腔气体介质对传爆可靠性的影响
The type of BNC signaling surge protection circuit, consisting of gaseous discharge tube, resistance, transient diode was analyzed. 分析了由气体放电管、电阻、暂态抑制二极管组成的BNC型信号电涌保护器的保护电路,对该保护电路进行了传输特性测试和标称放电电流的冲击实验。
The re-initiation phenomenon of gaseous detonation in a heart-shape tube was numerically studied. 针对心形管内气相爆轰二次起爆过程进行了数值研究。
The performance testing experimental setup for gaseous medium working in a vortex tube has been built. 搭建了气态工质在涡流管中性能测试的实验装置。